

●compress (一起來壓)v. 緊壓、壓縮

e.g.The course compresses two year's training into six intensive months.

●depress (壓下來) v. 降低、減少
v. 使沮喪

e.g. The physician is able to depress irritability of the heart muscle by the use of drugs.

e.g. Rainy days always depress Tom.

●impress (進去壓) v. 蓋印、使感動、使印象深刻

e.g. He tried to impress me with his extensive knowledge of wine.

●oppress (反著壓)v.壓制、壓迫

e.g. For years now, the people have been oppressed by a ruthless dictator.

●repress (一而再地壓) v. 抑制

e.g. He repressed a sudden desire to cry.

●suppress (壓在下面) v. 鎮壓

e.g. The Hungarian uprising in 1956 was suppressed by the Soviet Union.

●express (向外)v.表達

e.g. Her eyes expressed deep sadness.


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